PLNT team

Meet the team of PLNT. In this place, everyone is equal and equally valuable. In addition to supporting innovators and entrepreneurs, we believe individual success is just as important. Meet the people who grow our community and organization. Because that growth comes through us together.


Bastiaan de Roo
General Director
Roy Zitman
Head of Operations
Arjan Meester
Manager Finance
Nienke Schamper
HR Manager
Naomi Haasnoot
Facility Manager
Amy Choufoer
Front Office Coordinator
Christian Ramakers
Program Manager unlock_
Aniek Langendijk
Stéfan Ellenbroek
Incubation Lead
Lisa Heuer
Henriëtte van Dam
Project Manager unlock_
Sander Kuin
Activation Manager
Suzanne Groenendijk
Event Coördinator
Sven van der Vlies
Talent Scout
Wouter Nicolai
Facility worker
Micha Heilman
Activation Manager
Sophia Spargo
Junior Content Creator

PLNT Students

You have those ambitious students during your studies among them who go the extra mile and want to make the most of their student life.

The board members of PLNT Students, our own student organization, are a great example of this.

But they do so – naturally – just a little differently than the other associations. They pave the path for fellow ambitious students. With a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Board Leiden
Aimane Ben Salah
Program Manager
Jiaqi Chen
Business Manager
Briana de Tomás
Marketing Manager
Petra Mavrinac
Activation Manager
Olivia LeBlanc
Community Manager
Board The Hague
Daria Aron
Christy de Palm
Treasurer & Business Affairs
Ranjika Basu Majumdar
Program Manager
Réka Kinga Halász
Community Manager
Emile Safar
Ryan Bosman
Secretary The Hague

Board & Supervisory Board

Bastiaan de Roo
Chairman Board
Rob Mayfield
Board Member
Ruby Fasten
Board Member
Annetje Ottow
Chairman of Supervisory Board (Leiden University)
Jordy v.d. Steenhoven
Supervisory Board member (Hogeschool Leiden)
Otto Jelsma
Supervisory Board member (mboRijnland)
Maarten Noort
Supervisory Board member (Northpool)
Erna Barel
Supervisory Board member (BaseClear)

We innovate together. But we're also having fun. Lot's of it.

We work hard. But also love to have fun. Fun and relaxation are an important part of our work. We have lunch together, drink gallons of coffee, actively participate in the weekly Community Drinks, hold ping pong and padel tournaments, and the party committee organizes a (too) crazy outing three times a year.

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