€750.000 for strengthening the LBSP

June 7, 2022

The province is making €750.000 available for innovative projects at the Leiden Bio Science Park. This builds on the strong position of the campus. Meindert Stolk, deputy for Economy and Innovation, presented a check to PLNT Leiden and LBSP Foundation during an innovation tour on campus. Ncardia Services BV also received a grant from the South Holland Campuses grant program. All are increasing collaboration between innovative entrepreneurs and researchers.

Innovation Tour Leiden Bio Science Park

Leiden Bio Science Park is the location of innovative Life Sciences companies and institutions that are strong in biotechnology for the development of new drugs. The province and InnovationQuarter organized an innovation tour of the campus. Representatives of governments, knowledge and research institutions and companies were given a tour and visited TNO’s Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (AMS). The AMS is being used to develop faster and safer medicines. They also discussed campus developments and challenges and opportunities for greater collaboration. The innovation tour took place during Life Science & Health Week, which showcases a variety of scientific innovations in health care. This week was organized as part of Leiden City of Science 2022; a 365-day science festival to connect science and society.

Meindert Stolk: “Innovation and knowledge sharing is necessary for a future-proof economy. With this tour, the province wants to show how innovative South Holland is and thus inspire others. We also strengthen the innovative power by bringing together the knowledge of researchers, innovative ideas of entrepreneurs and support from governments. For example, on the campuses in our province. I am pleased that PLNT Leiden, LBSP Foundation and Ncardia Services BV will contribute to this with a subsidy from the campus scheme.”

Subsidy for campuses in South Holland

Campuses occupy an important position as a focal point for innovation and new entrepreneurship. With the subsidy scheme Campuses South Holland, the province contributes to the strengthening and further development of campuses. The grant scheme is available for the Leiden Bio Science Park, TU Delft Campus and NL Space Campus campuses. The grant can fund activities that help create research infrastructure or build, upgrade and operate innovation clusters on campuses. By 2021, a total of €2.6 million has been invested in campus projects. In doing so, 3 projects at the Leiden Bio Science Park received grants:

LBSP Start-Up Booster

PLNT Leiden has received €275.000 for the LBSP Start-Up Booster. This allows startups to collaborate on their own visibility, but also on the startup innovation cluster at the Leiden Bio Science Park. They are working on a solution to attract talent, market new business and find investors.


LBSP Foundation received €192.000 for unlock_LiveScience. Unlock_LiveScience will be the meeting place where everyone is welcome to participate and think with startups in the Life Sciences and Health sector. This will get visitors to Leiden Bio Science Park more involved in research and other activities on campus. Unlock_LiveScience will be housed at museum Naturalis.

Ncardia Services BV

Ncardia Services BV has received €283.000 to upgrade and operate an innovation cluster to make stem cell technology accessible to industry. With this amount, Ncardia Services BV wants to focus on scaling up, automating and implementing 3D (heart) models from stem cells. Thus, they make the drug development process more effective, reliable and efficient.

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